- A pleasure to invite you to an
intimate preview of- EXHIBITION WOW BATIK -NUSANTARAWith pleasureNama Tamu - - EXHIBITION WOW BATIK -NUSANTARASaturday162023SeptemberAt 1:00 - 5:00 PM
SINGAPOREHUGGS COLLECTIVE(30 Maxwell ROad, #01-03/04/05, Singapore) - Confirm Your
Attendance00Hari00Jam00Menit00DetikUndangan Hanya Untuk 2 OrangTekan tombol dibawah ini
untuk konfirmasi kehadiran - Huggs
CollectiveHUGGS COLLECTIVEPetunjuk Ke Lokasi
(30 Maxwell ROad, #01-03/04/05, Singapore) - Thank you for
Your atention
Hope to see you
at the eventMusic:Awarding Background Music - Nomination Music Awards Music Royalty Free Music
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- Thanks
Nama Tamu
Nama Tamu Hadir
18 March 2024 at 15.26